Circleville High School

CHS Administrative Office

Beginning Monday, November 30th the following changes to the Tardy Policy went into effect:
2nd Tardy=Warning
3rd Tardy=60 minute detention
5th Tardy= Wednesday School
Over 5 Tardies a student is placed on the Denial List and discipline points will be assigned.

Students are tardy to school if they arrive to their 1st period class after the tardy bell rings and before the end of 3rd period.

WE (the CCS) will no longer (this year) be recognizing students for Perfect Attendance but rather, EXCELLENT ATTENDANCE (96% or above). That equates to roughly 8 "EXCUSED" absences per year. You can probably guess why...the H1N1 flu. We do not want sick students at school. The lure of Perfect Attendance may be an encouragement for students to come to school with the flu or any other contagious disease.

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